Saturday, August 25, 2007

Vice President Sherman, via Utica, NY

The greatest excitement of the decade (1900's) was aroused on June 19, 1908, when word came from Cleveland that James S. Sherman had been nominated for the vice-presidency of the United States by the Republican National Convention. Great preperations were made to give the city's favorite son a royal reception on his return, a reception which was delayed for two weeks as the nominee was ill in the convention city. He did, however, return on July 2, was greeted by great crowds at the station, paraded through Genesee Street and forced to listen to eulogies by Mayor Thomas Wheeler, Hon. John D. Kernan and Charles Searles.

On August 18, he was formally notified of his nomination, on a platform erected on the lawn in front of his home by a delegation headed by Hon. J. C. Burrows, and another great celebration was held on this occasion. At the notification meeting, presided over by Charles S. Symonds, the speakers were Mayor Wheeler, Secretary of State Elihu Root, and President Stryker of Hamilton College. Hon. Sereno Payne presented Mr. Sherman with a loving cup on behalf of his fellow members of Congress.

On November 3, the popularity of the candidate caused every Republican candidate in the city and county, except one, who was running for a third term in the Assembly, to be elected. Republican enthusiasm knew no bounds.

When the day came for the inauguration, both the Conkling Unconditionals and the Sherman Scouts went to Washington by special trains to do honor to Mr. Sherman in the parade.

***In January of that same year, the City of Utica went under the Second Class Cities Charter, commonly known as the White Charter. This caused many changes in the government of the city, such as the instillation of a Board of Estimate with a contoller, and combining the police, fire and health bureaus under a Commissioner of Public Safety, doing away with police and fire commissioners and a board of health.

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